A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu

Ideas build the modern world. Our imagination creates limitless ideas, but how do we know which ones are worthy of being considered, much less turned into a business? And once we’ve decided upon an idea, how do we go about executing our vision? Finally, how do we even know when we’ve arrived at our destination?

I have wrestled with these very questions for 20 years now, throughout my entrepreneurial journey. In the coming weeks and months, I will be sharing various insights and advice in hopes of providing answers, helping your idea become a reality.

But I will say this. Entrepreneurial success, which I define as creating a sustainable business, absolutely requires the support and confidence of one’s network. Or to use a more contemporary term – your community.

It’s your community that provides encouragement and inspiration through the inevitable challenges awaiting all of us in the start-up world. In addition, your community will provide feedback about your product and guide you to success (if you’re listening – more on that topic later).

So I share my story with my admirable family and friends. You have always been an enormous source of motivational energy for me, and I hope that you may benefit from my lessons learned by telling my story. And maybe you’ll be inspired enough to start your own entrepreneurial journey
